Please read if you wish to submit or complete your own Lincoln 4 Life Profile.
(Lincoln 4 Life is no longer accepting Profile submissions)

If you are a Lincolner, or a good friend of a Lincolner, and which to submit your own profile, please send an email to Jordan @ [email removed], answering these questions:

1. Name
2. Sex
3. Age
4. Birthday (Month, Day, Year)
5. Born in what city?
6. Occupation
7. School you go to
8. Marital Status (single, single - not looking, single - looking, long term                                          relationship etc...)
9. Favorite Word
10. Favorite Hobbie
11. Favorite Number
12. Email address

And finally, please include a written paragraph or 2 (minimum 100 words) about yourself, or whatever you which to say about you and Lincoln. Also, if possible, please include at least 1 picture or as many as you wish (with your email) and they will appear on the site. To
see some examples of profiles, check out some that are already completed.


Jordan Springer