These pictures were taken by Jordan, Nick, Chris and Ian one night (morning), during the 2003 summer. We were super hyper right early in the morning, so we decided to walk down to Needs (even though it was closed). We stopped by at Ian's place to pick him up, then just went crazy with the camera snapping pictures of us, and pictues of us in front of the good ol' Lincoln are some of the pics, take a look...

Click on the picture to view a larger version

4:20 AM Pictures


Here is one of Chris, Ian, and Nick in front
of a Lincoln Sign 

Here is one of Chris pissing on the Vanier Industrial Park Road

Here is his name, spelled in his own piss! Not a bad job i might say!

This is the greeting Ian gave us when we picked him up at his door @ 4:20am

Here's a pic of me, Jordan, taken by me

Here is Jordan, Chris, and Ian giving the
finger to Nick, who is taking the picture

Another one of Jordan, Chris and Ian.

Jordan, in front of the Lincoln Sign

Jordan, at the top of a Fredericton City
Transit Sign

A Nice shot of Nick and Chris LMAO

This is of Jordan and Nick. I ran up to Nick
and snapped this one outta the blue :P

Nick at the top of the City Transit Sign,
with Chris Peakin below

Nick and Chris in front of the good ol'
Lincoln Sign

A Shadow of Chris, Ian, and
Jordan...we think

Another Shadow of all 4 of us

Ok, saved the best for decide
what happened...


Last Updated: Novemeber 24, 2003