Here are A LOT of pics...all of which are taken with Jordan's new Digital Camera. The people in these pictures are:
Jordan Springer
Sara Hatt
Matt Brown
Jami Springer
Ian Ryall
Matt MacCallum
Jesse Drummond
Nick Saunders
Miranda Cummings
Josh Sutton
Brittany Dean
Jamie Stafford
Kayla Leighton
Chrissy Jordan
Tom Lynch
Pat Beaulieu
Russell Hogue
Amanda Logan
James Fraser
Hali (Jordan's Dog)
Mya (Jordan's Cat)

(The quality of these pictures has been reduced a lot. If you would like a higher quality version of any photo on this page, just email Jordan for

Hope ya enjoy the pics!




Hope ya liked this page, cuz you better be happy it took me forever (over 3 hours) to make this page.


*Note: All pictures on this page are final, and will not be removed changed or modified.

Last Updated: January 20, 2004