Link To Lincoln 4 Life

All you webdesigners out there, Lincoln 4 Life has a favor to ask of you! If you enjoy Lincoln 4 Life, we would ask if you would please consider placing a Link on your website which will link to Lincoln 4 Life, ( If you place a link on your site, I will return the favor and place a link on Lincoln 4 Life linking to your site. Just contact the L4L Webdesigner, Jordan to notify him. Thank you for your help in promoting this site!

Below are some possible linking suggestions:

Text Links:

You could use simple text to Link to us. Create text such as "Visit Lincoln 4 Life", or "Check out L4L" (examples). Make the link to ""


Image Links:

Below are some sample images you could use. Make the images clickable links, linking to ""


Thank You for taking the time to Link to Lincoln 4 Life!