Here are some of the older pictures from L4L

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4:20 AM Pics (16 pics)
Some pics Nick, Jordan, Chris, and Ian took walking to Needs, at 4:20am

Shopping Cart Pics (6 pics)
See what creative idiots can do with a stolen Sobey's shopping cart

Summer Cam Pix (52 pics)
Here are some pictures taken in the summer with some disposable cameras from Needs

Josh's Cam Pics (39 pics)
Here are pictures taken with some more 2 of Josh's Disposable Cameras.

ESA Pics (Jesse, Jordan, Tom, Sara) (18 pics)
These Pictures are taken with Jordan's Digi Cam at ESA during one of Sara's baskeball games.

Jordan's Digital Cam Pics (175 pics!)
Here are some random pictures taken with Jordan's Digi Cam

Nick, Amanda, and Adam's Nite Out (68 pics)
These pics are taken mainly at Amanda's while the 3 of them 'have fun'.

Some More Random Pictures (149 pics)
Some more pics taken with Jordan's Digi Cam

French Vanilla @ 3AM, Pat's House till 5AM (30 pics)
These pictures are taken by Jordan and Josh outta complete randomness....

More Various Pics (42 pics)
Pointless and random pictures.

Can You Say Random? (196 pics)
Here are pictures, yes again that are stupidly random